Gorakhpur: On Tuesday evening, Gorakhpur airport experienced a major security alert following three bomb threats within a two-hour window, leading to rapid responses from security personnel. The first call came at 5:49 pm, targeting Indigo flight 63544 from Mumbai to Gorakhpur, which was carrying 227 passengers, including two children. The Bomb Threat Assessment Committee (BTAC) deemed the call “non-specific” by 6:02 pm, as confirmed by RK Prashar, director of the Gorakhpur Air Force station.
A second threat call was received at 6:35 pm for Akasa Air Flight QP1882, operating on a route from Delhi to Bengaluru via Gorakhpur with 183 passengers on board, including a child. This call was also classified as “non-specific” by 6:58 pm.
The third and final threat was reported at 7:14 pm for Alliance Air Flight 9I807 from Delhi to Gorakhpur, carrying 62 passengers. This threat was similarly dismissed as “non-specific” by BTAC at 7:42 pm.
In response to the consecutive alerts, airport authorities have heightened security protocols to ensure public safety and are prepared for immediate action should further threats arise. Earlier, on Thursday, a bomb scare on an Akasa Air flight to Gorakhpur also prompted a security sweep, later deemed a false alarm.