Mumbai: NCB’s Mumbai-based Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede filed an affidavit before the special NDPS court, saying that he is under a ‘lurking threat of arrest’ due to malafide intent. He has sought for court to take cognizance of pressure exerted on officers in the sub-judice matter, and requested the court to pass appropriate order. Yesterday, Wankhede had approached the Mumbai police commissioner seeking protection from likely legal action “being planned” against him by unknown persons, reports The Indian Express.
Earlier today, Prabhakar Sail, the witness who made allegations against Sameer Wankhede and K P Gosavi on Monday reached NCB Mumbai Police Commissioner’s office. Sail has claimed that investigators made him sign on 10 sheets of blank paper at the office of the NCB on the day of their raid on the cruise ship. He also claimed on Sunday that he had heard K P Gosavi, the alleged private investigator who accompanied NCB officials on the raid, say that Rs 8 crore would have to be given to the NCB’s Mumbai-based Zonal Director Sameer Wankhede.
Meanwhile, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has summoned actor Ananya Panday again on Monday for a third round of questioning in the cruise ship drugs case. The NCB has claimed to have found chats between Aryan Khan and Panday related to drugs.
In another development, actor Armaan Kohli approached the Bombay High Court for bail, after the special court rejected the same while stating that there is prima facie evidence of illicit trafficking and purchase of drugs against him. The special court had said that Kohli failed to explain why he had the contraband at his home.