Ranchi, May 9: Latehar divisional jail superintendent Mansion Barwa has given a written complaint to the district’s Sadar Police station in charge to take proper legal action against five guards who allegedly beaten a prisoner leading to his death in hospital.
The five guards include Shanker Munda, Chandrashekhar Singh, Deep Narayan Vishwakarma, Pradeep Prajapati and Manohar Barla. Three of these guards are ex-army men.
The jail superintendent has asked the police that CCTV footage in jail proves the allegation.
The prisoner Sendhu Munda, 35, had been sent to jail on May 3 in a murder case. His health deteriorated on May 4 midnight following the assault. He died in hospital on May 6.
The incident sent a wrong message among the prisoners and insiders said they are on hunger strike after the incident.