Ranchi, Oct.9: With the advent of the festive season, Covid-19 cases have begun to rise once again. The number of cases has doubled in the last 19 days, from 55 on September 20 to 112 on October 8.
RIMS Covid Task Force member Dr Nishit Ekka supported the observation saying that people have started violating corona pandemic protocol and that is the reason why cases are increasing rapidly.
“People have started roaming in markets without masks. They have stopped taking care of social distancing as well. If people continue being careless, the situation will worsen,” Dr Ekka said expressing his concern over the situation.
A Sadar Hospital insider, on this matter, said that apart from the festive season, the district administration is also responsible for this situation.
“The state’s district administration, like the general public, has become reckless. The pace of covid testing has slowed down. While 4.29 lakh samples were tested in the first week of September across the state, only 2.94 lakh samples could be examined in the first week of October”, the insider said.
A city resident, who returned from Darbhanga 10 days ago, supported the hospital insider.
“When I returned from Darbhanga, my sample was taken for the TrueNat test at Ranchi Railway Station, but I have yet to receive the results. At railway stations, I’ve noticed that testing is prefunctory. If the administration was serious about this, my report would have arrived by now. Surprisingly, I was asked to remain in isolation until the report arrived. I didn’t even get a message with the ID that I could use to locate my report. Also, I didn’t observe anyone wearing a mask or keeping adequate physical space on the train during my journey”, said the resident requesting anonymity.