Ranchi, June 23: The new Vice-Chancellor of Ranchi University, Jharkhand Ratna Ajit Kumar Sinha is set to transform the present conditions of the University for the better. While talking to correspondent on Thursday, Prof Dr Sinha said, “I am here for the students and will try to change the conditions here with a holistic approach.”
He further added, “I have colleges of several districts under my charge now, and the major work that needs to be done at present is introducing NEP 2020 from this session. Along with this, I will be taking transformative actions in terms of the present way of education.
When asked for his opinion about the work required for the tribal populace, he said, “Jharkhand is an aspirational district of India. We have small-scale labourers that go to states like Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata for work. I believe, if given an opportunity to become self-employed through some training, they would not have to move out of their homes just for a meagre sum of money.”
He further talked of his experience regarding his plans, he said that he has had an experience of making around 3000 women self-sufficient when working for the Central government. “I also understand that the centre provides several opportunities monetarily like Skill India, which gives people the opportunity to become self-employed,” he said.
The VC further added that there are several options for students at the moment, however, if worked on, the Ranchi University has the calibre to compete with private universities.
“The students have stopped playing games like football, and volleyball. I want to work to give students an opportunity to play physical games and not just be a part of the ‘Whatsapp university’. Due to the pandemic, the education sector was the one that suffered the most, as students of the pandemic period are not properly trained. These students will go on to become doctors and architects, they will work for the future of the nation,” the VC further commented.
When the present condition of the RU girls’ hostel and the need for more were pointed out, the proactive VC said that he would work to get one for the girls. Furthermore, when asked about the present WiFi conditions, he added that he has already ordered work to begin for the benefit of students.