Ranchi, Sept 24: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold talks with Meera Devi in Mann Ki Baat on September 26. Meera Devi Under this, the women of Kelo village, located in Jaipur Panchayat of Rania block, Khunti, joined the women’s group and made bamboo toys, makeup and home decoration items, with their skills and art. With their efforts, Kelo village got a new identity at the national level.
The group’s president Meera Devi is very keen to talk to the Prime Minister. She considers Modi as a god.
Meera said that three years ago she joined JSLPS and took training and started making bamboo items. The committee of 12 members learned to make beautiful items from bamboo with their skills. In Mann Ki Baat she will discuss the issue of the proper marketplace with PM Modi. A proper market for their goods will help in increasing their income and living standard.