Ramgarh, Jan 5: The election for the president of Madhya Deshiya Vaishya Samiti (2023-26 session) has intensified after the withdrawal date of the nominations. A competition is likely to be held between the two candidates.
The first candidate is Rupesh Gupta,(46), who has obtained a law degree, and the other candidate is Doman Prasad Gupta, (72), who has secondary education. A tough fight between the two is expected.
A total of 51 members of the Commission will vote in the election. Door-to-door campaigns are being conducted by both candidates.
The voting will take place at Ganinath Dharamshala on January 8 from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm. The voting process will be conducted by members of the Election Commission consisting of Ganesh Prasad Gupta, Narendra Gupta, Anil Kumar, Nand Kishore Gupta, Anand Gupta and Subodh Gupta.
Once the ballot is completed, the votes will be counted by the members of the voting committee. The candidate with the majority votes will be declared the winner and awarded a winner’s certificate
Ganinath Dharamshala, Ganinath School and Ganinath Temple are the three institutions run by Madhya Deshiya Vaishya Samiti. Only the winner gets the right to elect officers for all three institutes.