Ramgarh, Sept 5: The Mandu Police, Ramgarh seized as much as 25 boxes of illegal liquor on Sunday. The Police has arrested one person identified as Bajrang Kumar, a resident of Kandawer Bariatu of Keredari, Hazaribagh . SDPO Kishore Kumar Rajak said in a press conference in Ramgarh Sub-Divisional Police Officer’ that on September 4, at around 3.45 am, SP Piyush Pandey got information about illegal liquor and on his instructions, a police team was formed.
Under the leadership of Ramgarh SDPO Kishore Kumar Rajak, the police team carried out a vehicle check operation in the four-lane near the block of Mandu police station area. A pickup van was intercepted and 25 cartons of illegal liquor of three brands were recovered during the search.
There were a total of 460 bottles in these boxes which include Blenders Pride, Royal Stag, Royal Player Prime Green etc. The accused Kumar told the police that the 25 boxes were going to Hazaribagh. The SDPO said that this liquor was to be taken to Bihar.
He added that people associated with illegal liquor business will be identified and arrested soon. Continuous action is being taken to curb the illegal liquor business. He said that the seized liquor would be investigated by the Excise Department.
Moreover, if needed, forensic examination of liquor will also be done. He said that an FIR has also been registered against the owner of the vehicle, Umesh Saw of Keredari, Pappu Mahato, resident of Bokaro Mahuatand. The raiding team included SDPO Kishore Kumar Rajak, Mandu police station in-charge Naveen Kumar, SI Santosh Kumar Gupta and Anil Hembram, police vehicle driver Amit Minj, constable Lalit Mohan Vishwakarma and other police forces.
The arrested accused has been forwarded to judicial custody on Monday.