Ranchi, Feb 3:The decision regarding the four students who were caught increasing marks in their answer sheets has been decided to be kept pending till the Ranchi University organizes its convocation ceremony. According to PRO Pritam Kumar, the VC has decided to keep the decision regarding the students pending. The VC could not be contacted in the matter.
Notably, four students of Doranda College were caught trying to increase their marks after tampering with answer sheets in Ranchi on Wednesday. As per sources, these four students had failed in the undergrad Physics paper. They then came in contact with an agent that assured them that their marks could be increased and would cost Rs 6000 per student.
After paying the agent, as per his instructions the students requested their answer copies under the Right to Information Act (RTI), and increased their marks in their respective answer sheets. Upon receiving their answer sheets in the RTI office, one of the four students was seen scribbling something in it, which aroused suspicion among the RTI staff and led to the students being caught. This was more suspicious because as per rules of RTI, students are not allowed to bring a pen when receiving and checking documents.
The students, upon being caught red-handed, had accepted their intentions and explained how they were trying to increase their marks. The first student who had received nine marks in the paper tried increasing his number by writing a one in ink next to the zeros given to him over answers. Another student who had received 12 marks did the same and changed one to 11 over answers. The third students marked answers with three or four where no marks were given, while the fourth did something similar.
RTI official Dheerendra Tripathi, upon catching the students, reported the incident to Ranchi University VC Prof Kamini Kumar, who reached the RTI office without delay, took information of the incident and seized and sealed the mobile numbers of all the four students caught. She had further said that the students will be punished as per rules and regulations of Ranchi University.