Ranchi, May 20: The young players from Jharkhand showcased an excellent game of hockey against a strong unit from Tamil Nadu on Friday as they clinched victory 7-1 during the 12th Hockey India Junior National Championship 2022 being held at Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu.
With this win, Hockey Jharkhand has secured their second consecutive win in the championship. They secured their first match against Goa 10-0.
Jharkhand’s skipper scored the first goal for his team in the 6th minute via a penalty corner. In the 17th minute, Abhishek Guria scored the second goal of the match taking the score to 2-0.
The team had secured a three-goal lead by halftime.
Penalty specialist Asim Aind scored two goals after the first half during the 35th and 45th minutes to take the lead to 5-0. However, Satish B of Tamil Nadu scored the first goal for the host in the 52nd minute.
Jharkhand scored two more goals in the 53rd and 56th minute of the game to make the final scoreline to 7-1.
President of Hockey Jharkhand Bholanath Singh and other officials have congratulated the team for their second win in the championship and have wished them the best for the future games.