Ranchi, Sept,27: ‘Sonchiraiya’, a brand name of a product developed by self-help group (SHG) under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) is planning to organize an exhibit on Diwali to promote women entrepreneurs in the region. This exhibition will showcase various types of Diwali sweets and diyas produced by these women. They will also be displaying handcrafted dolls from wool and foam. Dresses of Lord Krishna and Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi idol with other decorative items will also be presented in the exhibit.
Sonchiraiya, a brand name of a product under DAY-NULM which aims to provide a livelihood to the poor and jobless women of the region. Through this scheme, they sell the handcrafted and unique items made by the poor or jobless women in the market. DAY-NULM organises exhibitions to showcase and sell the products made by these women.
Bineet Kumar, Director of DAY-NULM said, “Recently on the occasion of Teej Puja, we organized an exhibit in Ranchi and launched ‘Sonchiraiya Gujiya’ made by women entrepreneurs of the region. Now we are planning to display diyas , diwali sweets and other decorative items made on the occasion of Diwali. These products are also available on Flipkart and Amazon and we are trying to connect them from other marketing apps too”.
DAY-NULM aims to reduce poverty and vulnerability of the urban poor households by enabling them to access gainful self employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, resulting in an appreciable improvement in their livelihoods on a sustainable basis, through building strong grassroots level institutions of the poor.
“There are six components under DAY-NUML namely – Employment through Skill Training and Placement (ESTP), Self Employment Program (SEP), Social Mobilization & Institutional Development (SMID), Support to Urban Street Vendors (SUSV), Self Help Group (SHG) and Shelter for Urban Homeless (SUH). We are working hard to provide help to the needy ones. We are starting new short term courses under CIPET (Central Institution of Plastic Engineering and Technology) to provide skilled training to the poor and jobless young boys and girls”, added Bineet Kumar.