Ramgar, Nov 5: Tata Steel is celebrating Quality Month this November. This year also marked the launch of Quality Month at the Tata Steel West Bokaro Division. It was inaugurated by Anurag Dixit, GM, West Bokaro Division who hoisted the Quality Flag on the lawns of the GM Office.
On this occasion, all present took a quality pledge. The theme of this year’s Quality Month is ‘Towards Gameba Focused Excellence’. This whole month, several programmes will be organised by TQM Department West Bokaro to increase awareness among all about quality.
BV Sudhir Kumar, Chief, Coal Beneficiation, West Bokaro Division; Mrinal Bhadra, Chief, QuarrySE, West Bokaro; Manji, Chief, Engineering & Projects, West Bokaro; Mahesh Prasad, President, Rashtriya Colliery Mazdoor Union, West Bokaro; PK Singh, Secretary, Rashtriya Colliery Mazdoor Union, West Bokaro and other officials along with union officials were present on the occasion.