Ranchi, Jan.8: Corona positivity is no barrier for performers this time so far when out of over 7000 Covid-19 infected persons only 287 are undergoing treatment at hospitals while remaining others are recovering in home isolation.
This was reflected when several corona positive persons were found working in home isolation and sharing their welfare with no sign of worry.
The prominent among those remained health secretary, municipal commissioner, Sadar hospital medical officer beside NGO workers and others.
Health secretary Arun Kumar Singh remained busy giving necessary directions and communicating despite being in home isolation.
‘Yes’, he responded when asked whether he was alright and later he remained communicating regarding the recent development of the health department.
“Yes m gud…tested covid positive…nothing to worry Ill be alright. In isolation and taking medicine,” municipal commissioner Mukesh Kumar responded when asked about his welfare after finding him working from home in isolation.
The programme officer of Ekjut, Tarun Kumar Jha, echoed the same. “I have just finished my online meeting. I never discontinued working since I tested positive on January 4. I am in home isolation but working,” Jha said.
Dr Ajit, medical officer of Sadar Hospital appointed to coordinate with the media, shared a similar experience.
“I never felt ill. I kept on working in home isolation. The symptoms were mild this time. I am just respecting the positivity,” Kumar said laughing.