Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel’s father Nand Kumar Baghel was sent to 15 days of judicial custody by a Raipur court today for allegedly making derogatory remarks against the Brahmin community.
India Today reported that an FIR was registered against the 86-year-old for allegedly creating tensions and spreading hatred in society.
The complaint was filed by the Brahmin community against him at DD Nagar Police Station in Raipur. In the complaint, the community alleged that Nand Kumar Baghel described Brahmins as “outsiders (foreigners) who should either reform or get ready to go to Volga from Ganga.”
On being asked for his comment, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel reportedly said,
“I respect my father as a son, but as a Chief Minister, none of his mistakes, which are going to disturb public order, can be ignored. No one is above the law in our government, even if he is the Chief Minister’s father.“